Friday, June 8, 2012

the best is yet to come

Finally I had the opportunity to create another notable quote here. I totally neglected this space that used to describe my emotions in terms of writing. Emotions are best described through writing not by acting; acting required a big soul which I’m not good at, perhaps!

At this kind of age, what else life could be offered? I have a happy family, not the perfect ones, I have a so called good job even I’m bored, good circle of friends although we rarely spend time together and to put into a sum, a good life (raise my hands and pray to Allah). But this isn’t a platform to be satisfied enough, not yet. Let’s not be overly excited of something/someone which you’ve owned, life should be as moderate as possible. Don’t you think so?

Till these seconds, when I look at the reflection of myself, things which I’ve been through since little, I would say I am fortunate enough. My life is good but the best is yet to come.